Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hillburn Town Court Directory Information

Hillburn Justice Court is a local court located in Rockland County within the Town of Ramapo.  The court is located at 31 Mountain Avenue in Hillburn New York.
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"If you need an attorney to fight your traffic matter in Hillburn or Rockland County,  give us a call at 914-723-7900."
The court hears traffic violations at night and has jurisdiction over a host of matters including misdemeanor and lower civil court matters.

The court is easily accessible by the highway and has ample parking in the the street.  It maintains a small parking lot for court business.

What can I expect when I go to Hillbrun Traffic Court?

When you walk into court, the courtroom will be located to your immediate right.  You should check in with the clerk of the court and let them know that you are present.  During the night, you will have an opportunity to discuss your case with the prosecutor and the judge.  If you reach a disposition on your matter, you may have to pay a fine.  Most courts prefer that you pay your fine immediately.  Some court will give you time to pay.  If you fail to pay your fine, the court has the power to suspend your license.