Not knowing what to expect on a traffic ticket in Saugerties can cause a great deal of stress.
This blog post answers many common questions presented to our law firm regarding a speeding ticket pending in Saugerties Town Court and should answer many of the questions regarding your current situation. If you still have questions after reading this blog, give our Saugerties lawyers a call to schedule your confidential consultation.
We Can Help
We have defended thousands of drivers in New York State against charges written under the Vehicle Traffic Law. We have excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. If you are in need of a Saugerties speeding ticket lawyer, give us a call today at 800-893-9645 and schedule your confidential consultation.
What could happen if I fail to enter a plea in Saugerties?
When a driver fails to enter a timely plea, their privilege to drive can be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles. A timely plea can be entered by mail or in person at the court. It is our recommendation that a plea entered by mail be sent with some form of return receipt requested.
How much time do I have to respond to my ticket?
Technically, a driver has 48 hours to enter a plea of not guilty by mail. If you have any doubt whether or not your plea was entered in a timely manner, it is advisable to call the court to confirm their timely receipt of your plea.
How much is the fine for a speeding ticket?
The New York State legislature has set parameters for a fine on a speeding ticket. The parameters are based upon the number of miles per hour above the speed limit the driver is convicted.
The presiding judge will set the specific fine for your particular case. When assessing the fine, the judge can take into consideration the facts and circumstances surrounding the ticket including but not limited to the driver’s record.
This chart will provide you some guidance for the fine range for first time offenders.
1st time Conviction Within Eighteen (18) Months
Minimum Fine
Maximum Fine
Maximum Imprisonment
Points on Driving Record
10 mph or less
$88.00 or $93.00
11-30 mph
30 Days
$88.00 or $93.00
31 mph or over
30 Days
| $88.00 or $93.00 |
How many points will a defensive driving course remove from my driving record?
A defensive driving course can remove up to 4 points against a driver’s license. These courses are provided in person and online.
How long will a conviction to a speeding ticket appear on my driving record?
In most normal circumstances, a conviction will appear on a driving record for 5 years. However, there are some circumstances by which it can remain longer on a driver’s record.
What is the surcharge?
On a non-misdemeanor moving violation, the surcharge in town and village courts are $93.00. In other courts, the surcharge is $88.00 This is an additional fee imposed by the New York legislature.
Am I eligible for a pre-trial conference?
Traffic tickets issued by the New York State Police will be conferenced prior to having trial. At the pre-trial conference, the driver or their attorney will have a brief opportunity to present mitigating circumstance to help reduce the charges. If a reduction cannot be reached, the ticket will be adjourned for trial.
Can I plead guilty with an explanation?
Yes. However, pleading guilty with an explanation is still a plea of guilty. Upon presenting your explanation, the judge is bound to impose a penalty as prescribed by law.
Charges We Fight
Here is a list of some common charges were have helped our client’s fight.
· Speeding under VTL § 1180 (b)
· Speeding under VTL § 1180 (d)
· Cell Phone under VTL § 1225
· Child Seatbelt under VTL § 1229
· Failure to Move Over under VTL § 1144-A
· Failure to Signal under VTL § 1163
· Following Too Closely under VTL § 1129
· Operating Without Insurance under VTL § 319
· Red Light under VTL § 1111
· Stop Sign Violation under VTL § 1172
· Suspended License Operation under VTL § 511.1 (Misdemeanor)
· Unsafe Lane Change under VTL § 1128
About Our Law Firm:
Call Our Lawyers Today 800-893-9645 |
Join the thousands of drivers that have saved time, money and points on their license with our traffic ticket defense firm. Call our former prosecutor at 800-893-9645 and ask for a confidential consultation today.