Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gallatin Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Costly Gallatin Speeding Tickets

Receiving a speeding ticket in Gallatin can be a costly endeavor.  If you have been issued a summons or moving violation, give our award winning traffic ticket lawyers a call to learn how we can help you save money, time, and points on your license.  We can be reached at 800-893-9645.

About Our Gallitan Law Firm

Our Gallitan speeding ticket defense lawyers have successfully defended thousands of traffic tickets throughout New York State.  We have excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced. We are led by a former New York City prosecutor and we can help you limit your exposure to fines, penalties, and points on your license.   If you have a speeding ticket or moving violation, give our attorneys a call now at 800-893-9645.

About the Court
Call our legal team today.

Gallitan is a court of limited jurisdiction.  While it can preside over civil, criminal, and traffic court matters, it cannot adjudicate every case in the State.  Civil cases are limited to $3,000.00 in controversy with the exception of landlord tenant cases.  If a larger dollar amount at stake, the case must be filed in a higher civil court.  One such court could be the State Supreme Court of Columbia County.  On the other hand, the majority of criminal cases heard in this court are misdemeanors.  Felony cases are usually reserved for County Court action. 

Traffic Court:  Gallitan Town Court has the power to adjudicate all non-felony traffic matters.  The majority of traffic cases are written under the Vehicle Traffic Law.

There are many police agencies that share jurisdiction in Gallitan.  Some of these police agencies include but are not limited to the New York State Police, the New York State Park Police, the New York MTA Police, the County Sheriff, and the Gallitan Town Police.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to respond to my summons in 48 hours of receiving it?

Technically, the law requires a driver to Answer their moving violation with 48 hours of receipt.

It is our recommendation that a driver respond to their summons either in person or by mail with a return receipt requested. 

If I simply plead guilty to my speeding ticket, how many points will I receive on my license?

The points assessed against a driver’s license will vary depending on the nature of the conviction.  Speeding tickets range from as little as 3 points and as many as 11 points.

01 to 10 mph over the limit
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
More than 40

How many points can I incur until my license is suspended?

There are many different ways that a driver can lose their privilege to drive in New York.  One of the most common ways is accumulate 11 or more points in an 18 month period.

Charges We Fight: Here is a list of some common charges were have helped our client’s fight.

·                Speeding under VTL § 1180 (b)
·                Speeding under VTL § 1180 (d)
·                Cell Phone under VTL § 1225
·                Child Seatbelt under VTL § 1229
·                Failure to Move Over under VTL § 1144-A
·                Failure to Signal under VTL § 1163
·                Following Too Closely under VTL § 1129
·                Operating Without Insurance under VTL § 319
·                Operating with a suspended registration under VTL § 512 (Misdemeanor)
·                Red Light under VTL § 1111
·                Stop Sign Violation under VTL § 1172
·                Suspended License Operation under VTL § 511.1 (Misdemeanor)
·                Unsafe Lane Change under VTL § 1128