Saturday, August 30, 2014

Austerlitz Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Fight Your Austerlitz Ticket And Save Money

If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance that you have received a speeding ticket while traveling on the Taconic State Parkway and your ticket is returnable to the Austerlitz Traffic Court.

There is also a good chance this ticket has made you crazy with the thought of insurance increases and points on your license.

Further, the thought of fighting with a prosecutor, police officer, and judge can be challenging for some of the most seasoned attorneys.

Fortunately, our Austerlitz speeding ticket defense lawyers can help.

We Can Help

Our Columbia County speeding ticket lawyers have helped thousands of drivers in Austerlitz and the surrounding area.  We have over 30 years of legal experience and have excelled at getting tickets either dismissed or reduced.  Give our award winning lawyers a call today at 914-723-7900 to schedule your confidential consultation.

About Austerlitz Town Court

Austerlitz is a local court with limited jurisdiction.  It has the power to adjudicate both civil and criminal matters.  

Civil cases are capped off at $3,000.00 in controversy.  Cases filed in this court are commonly referred to as small claims cases.

With respect to criminal cases, the majority of cases heard in this court are misdemeanors.  The court has limited power over felonies. In general, felony matters are reserved for County Court action.

Point System

Pleading guilty to a speeding ticket can result in a minimum of three points and a maximum of eleven points being held against a driver’s license.

This chart should help you quickly ascertain the number of points you are facing.

01 to 10 mph over the limit
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
More than 40

Why Hire Our Lawyers?

Our law firm has over 30 years of legal experience.  We are led by a former New York City prosecutor.  We have the unique ability to view traffic tickets from both the prosecutor and defense perspective.  As such, we are able to quickly analyze your case and provide the best possible defense for your case.

Join the thousands of drivers who have saved money, time, and points on their licenses.

Give us a call today to learn how we can help you.  We can be reached at 914-723-7900.