Fight Your Ticket And Save Money
There are a number of laws, rules, and regulations that prohibit the use of commercial vehicles on the many New York State Parkways.
One of the most frequent charges used to enforce this charge is the New York State Parkway Rules and Regulations. The most germane section of law is § 182.31. It is include here as follows:
§ 182.31 Restricted vehicles.
The following type vehicles, including those elsewhere defined in this Part, are not permitted on the parkways within the parkway system, unless authorized under an agreement with the department:
(a) bicycles;
(b) buses;
(c) commercial;
(d) golf carts;
(e) hearses, except those operated by or for a licensed funeral director or undertaker while traveling to or from a funeral, interment, cremation, place of death or other destination for the acceptance and shipment of the body or remains of a deceased person;
(f) house coaches;
(g) motor-driven cycles;
(h) school buses;
(i) semitrailers;
(j) snowmobiles;
(k) tractors;
(l) trailers;
(m) trucks.
A ticket written under § 182.31 is usually accompanied with another ticket written under VTL § 1110-a. VTL 1110-a is the Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device.
VTL § 1110. Obedience to and required traffic-control devices.
(a) Every person shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-control device applicable to him placed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, unless otherwise directed by a traffic or police officer, subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle in this title.
Both of these charges can carry a significant fine and adverse license consequences. If you need an experienced traffic law firm to help you fight these charges, give us call today at 800-893-9645.