Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yorktown Ticket Lawyer

orktown Traffic Court is located at 2290 Crompond Road in Yorktown Heights.  It is the 2nd busiest local court in Westchester County. If you have a speeding ticket issued under VTL 1180, give our Yorktown speeding ticket lawyers a call at 914-723-7900 a call to learn how we can help.
Our lawyers have defended hundreds drivers in Yorktown and Westchester County

About our firm: Our law firm has consistently saved our clients money, time, and points on their license. We are lead by a former prosecutor and have been rated 10.0/10.0 by a leading legal rating service.  If you have a speeding ticket (issued under VTL 1180b) or another moving violation, give our law firm a call to see how we can help you.  We can be reached at 914-723-7900.

Yorktown Traffic Court is conveniently located a short distance from the Taconic State Parkway. Coincidentally, a large portion of the parkway falls within the jurisdiction of the court.  As such, this court receives a large volume of speeding tickets issued by the New York State Police.   If you have a difficult time finding the court, remember that the court is adjacent to the police department and across the street from a church.  

State Police tickets are prosecuted a local court prosecutor.  Tickets issued by the Yorktown Police and the Park Police are prosecuted by the officer that issued them.

What you can expect in court: while the court has a large parking lot in front of the building, it often fills up to maximum capacity on days when Traffic Court is in session.  It is important that you arrive early to avoid the laborious task of finding a parking spot. 

The court has two part-time presiding judges.  The judges are elected officials and hold a 4-year term.  They have the power to preside over civil cases such as landlord tenant cases, contractual disputes, and other matters often referred to as small claims cases.  On the criminal calendar, the judges can preside over all misdemeanor criminal cases and limited felony matters.

Immediately prior to entering the court, you will be asked to walk through a magnetometer and asked to turn off all electronic devices.  The court is secured by special court attendants.  These officers help facilitate the court process and one of their key function is to note attendees who arrive to court.  Your failure to check in with one of the officers may result in your case not being called.

The clerk’s window is located to your immediate right as you enter the courthouse.  If you need to pay a fine or have a question regarding a legal matter, the court clerks will be in good position to help you answer your question.

If you are in need a lawyer to help you save time, money, and points on your license, give our lawyers a call to learn how we can help.