Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fighting A Queensbury Ticket: Role Of The Judge

Queensbury Traffic Ticket Lawyer

If you have been issued a traffic ticket in Queensbury in Warren County, our law firm can help.  We have helped thousands of drivers around New York State fight their tickets and save money.  Our firm has over 30 years of legal experience and we are led by a former New York City prosecutor. 

About The Court

Queensbury Town Court
81 Glenwood Avenue
Queensbury, NY 12804

The court has the power to adjudicate civil, criminal and traffic tickets.  It is a court of limited.  This means that not every case can be filed in this court.  Civil cases are limited up to $3,000.00 in controversy with limited exceptions.  Criminal cases are limited to misdemeanor charges with limited exception.  It can hear all traffic matters except felony charges.

What is the role of a judge?

A judge has many responsibilities in court.  Some of these responsibilities include being the for bench trials, imposing sentences for criminal traffic cases, and making decisions of law on contested case.

Judge is also personally responsible for all monies received by the court.  In case of an audit, they must be able to account for monies coming in and out of the court.  As such, they must impose effective controls and supervision over all court activities.

The main source of monies coming into the court is from filing fees, fines, and surcharges imposed on cases. 

The court employs a Court Clerk to help with day to actives of running the court.  This can include answering telephone calls, sending out letters, and collecting money.  Because the judge is a part time employee and spends a significant amount of time in court, Court Clerks performs many of the daily Court duties.

Our Law Firm

Join the thousands of drivers that have saved time, money and points on their license with our traffic ticket defense firm.  Call our former prosecutor at 800-893-9645 and ask for a confidential consultation today.

Here is a list of some common charges were have helped our client’s fight.

  • Speeding under VTL § 1180 (b)
  • Speeding under VTL § 1180 (d)
  • Cell Phone under VTL § 1225
  • Child Seatbelt under VTL § 1229
  • Failure to Move Over under VTL § 1144-A
  • Failure to Signal under VTL § 1163
  • Following Too Closely under VTL § 1129
  • Operating Without Insurance under VTL § 319
  • Operating with a suspended registration under VTL § 512 (Misdemeanor)
  • Red Light under VTL § 1111
  • Stop Sign Violation under VTL § 1172
  • Suspended License Operation under VTL § 511.1 (Misdemeanor)
  • Unsafe Lane Change under VTL § 1128